Electric Wizard - Come My Fanatics...

July 07, 2007

Finally! I've begun to find other slow metal bands that I like almost as much as Om and Sleep and SunnO)))!! Sure, Black Sabbath is great and all (well, certain albums, at least), but that only amuses me so much, and there's something about newer bands doing the sludge thing.... I don't know, maybe its just that the production is better?

Anyway, Electric Wizard was discovered by a day of reading EVERY SINGLE ARTICLE on Wikipedia. I now know everything, just like Jack Austin. Or perhaps I just skimmed every article linked from those three links atop this post. Either way, I got Come My Fanatics... and was very pleased. Where a lot of sludge metal, drone metal, and stoner metal has a lyricist I can not stand, Electric Wizard's guy works for me. Not too screaming, not too melodic. Quite monotonous actually, just the way I like it. And the music is heavy, crunchy, repetitious.

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