Sorry Mike Noble...

April 30, 2009

...but you're not my favorite radio personality any more.

I didn't know about KFJC until the (awesome) WFMU/KFJC April Fool's prank in 2008 where they switched websites and radio streams. But ever since then, it's become my 2nd or 3rd favorite station, with WFMU as #1 and KFJC or Dublab constantly trading 2nd and 3rd places. By far, my favorite show on KFJC is Firebunker with Cy Thoth (Thursdays 2pm - 6pm). He plays a lot of metal. Particularly a lot of what is called "stoner metal." I love it. I really wish there were a whole channel of this. (If there is, you MUST tell me right now!) But as awesome as the music is, it is eclipsed by the DJ himself. He sounds like a pirate! He truly is the most PERFECT metal DJ personality ever.

Before I discovered that show, one Mr. Mike Noble (a.k.a. DJ Bike Wobble, websites here and here) was my favorite radio personality. His shows on WBAR and WHFR have all been quite awesome, and his mic breaks are incredibly energetic. And fun. He, too, is a DJ whose music I LOVE and whose mic breaks I love even more. But, alas, he doesn't sound like a pirate who loves stoner metal.

You may have noticed me specifying "radio personality" or "DJ personality" above instead of just "radio DJ." That is because, although I do love both of the aforementioned shows, neither is my favorite. That honor lies with Put the Needle On the Record with Billy Jam (Fridays 3pm - 6pm on WFMU). Billy Jam focuses mostly on hip-hop. And he tends to like to play around... be it with strange effects-laden mic breaks/interviews, weird mixes/remixes, or whatever else he feels like doing. So, because I love his show the most, I credit Billy Jam with being my favorite radio DJ.

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