Help me with a plot analysis

April 19, 2009

...of a frozen moment. Watch this:

Philips :: Carousel campaign (Adam Berg + Stink Digital) from Designloops on Vimeo.

And then tell me if you think the cop at the end is supposed to be an escaped clown? Or is that removed clown costume near the end from the guy who's on the ground in the same room with the costume?

The plot sketchiness aside, I'm thoroughly impressed by this video. Such a story-filled frozen moment! I would love to see a full length movie that is just one big frozen moment... even if they didn't have such a tight, cohesive plot as this. Maybe they could do it like Slacker, and just have it jump from person to person. Directors- get on it! I command thee!

(And yes, I am fully aware that I'm helping spread a profit-driven commercial. I feel bad about it, I really do, but the apparently-escaped clown thing is really bothering me.)

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