Ah, bugger that. The video on my previous post disappeared
already. Now, I expect them to disappear sometime -- maybe when they get to the 2nd or 3rd page here -- but not while it's still the first post!
Da-amn, internet.
So, to avoid such embarrassment, I bring you this:

See? All better now.
April 22, 2009 at 11:39 PM
Phew. Much better.
I don't think I've had a video go down that quickly, like, ever. You have my sincere kudos, sir.
(Is that original series? Wow, I just changed to an OS banner myself. Screengrabs from streaming Netflix = super fucking easy.)
April 23, 2009 at 12:38 AM
Nah, it's from Enterprise (which I'm almost done with).
Quick review of Enterprise: I like the modernized production (no cardboard sets!) and the portrayal of Earth's first steps into real space exploration ("Earth? Never heard of it.") but the arc plots weren't all that compelling (beings from the future repeatedly and incompetently meddling in the past, wtf?) and some of the characters were damn annoying. But I'm digging how towards the end, they're heavily foreshadowing the birth of the Federation. And, hell, come on.... Scott Bakula!
But, damn, that is one smooth Spock you got there. I guess you've been rockin' TOS, eh?