Imagine my disappointment...

June 23, 2009

Imagine my disappointment to discover that the song Pop Goes The World off the new Gossip album is not a cover of the Men Without Hats song of the same name.

Continuing my mathematical illustrations...

Believe it or not.

Fortunately, I have fresh(-ish) Italian bread, extra-virgin olive oil, and some decent Balsamic vinegar to put me in a better mood.

And donuts.

(Speaking of the new Gossip album, I don't know how into it I am. I can still go back and listen to Standing In The Way Of Control anytime and enjoy it nearly as much as the first time I heard it. But... I don't know... Maybe it's the way that Gossip, and particularly Beth Ditto, blew up since then... I'm either having trouble objectively evaluating this new album, or it's just not as good as their previous. Any Gossip fans have an opinion on this?)

Math makes everything better

June 22, 2009

First, check out my new favorite video, Fever Ray's "Triangle Walks":

Now, check out my hypothesis... The video is like a cross between The Cure's "Lullaby"*, The Cure's "Close To You" and Fischerspooner's "Emerge" (and maybe Fischerspooner's Sweetness, too), all of which are some of my favorite music videos**.

Hell, the song might even be a cross of all those, too.

Oh, and because math makes everything better...

* This song was partially ruined for me after reading this one-page comic. Now, the "spider" and the "eating"... remind me of horrible things, sometimes. (Warning: NSFW, and it might partially ruin the song for you, too.)

** Then again, I think I have about 349 favorite music videos.

Sometimes, the best parts of Wikipedia are the discussions

June 21, 2009

Ladies and gentlemen, I present the talk page for The Human Anus.

Of particular interest: the contention over the article's images.

(There are no pics on that page. Don't worry. But it does say "anus" more times than most pages on the internet, so use your discretion regarding it's SFW/NSFW classification.)

Today, we celebrate!

June 16, 2009

Instead of writing about my new half-guilty pleasure ("half" because I have a hard time objectively evaluating shows with so much sex in them, and I think this one might actually be really good, even ignoring all the sex) TV show (Californication, starring David Duchovny [swoon!] and Natascha McElhone [triple swoon!]), I'd like to talk about something serious (and with less parenthetical expressions).

I never thought I'd learn something I didn't already know about Star Trek from Buzzfeed, but apparently I was not aware of Captain Picard Day. That day is observed today, on June 16th, because I guess that's what Stardate 47457.1 translates to. To see what it's about, let's let Riker, Troi, and the good Captain himself discuss it:

(You can see some other celebratory clips - like The Picard Song - over on Buzzfeed's page about this day.)

Because I would feel really bad if this post were solely reposted Buzzfeed material, I found some decent Star Trek videos that neither I nor Lin Swimmer have yet posted.

So, here's a video glorifying Data's action-adventure capabilities...

And here I've saved the best for last. I dedicate this next video to EVERY SINGLE RYAN THAT I KNOW:

A Mathematical Fact

June 14, 2009

The summerness in Washington Heights is directly proportional to the amount of bottle rockets (and other fireworks/firecrackers) being ignited at any given moment.

It's a fact.

A Not-So-Objective Evaluation Of Roisin Murphy's Fashion

June 13, 2009

Roisin Murphy is awesome. I'm basing this solely on the following facts:

  • She's hot.
  • She's the singer for Moloko.
  • Her first solo album was produced by Matthew Herbert.
  • She wears some fantastic outfits in her music videos.
This post is mostly about that last point...

Moloko - Familiar Feeling (Youtube)

Moloko - Forever More (Youtube)

Moloko - Indigo (Youtube)

Roisin Murphy - Let Me Know (Youtube)

Roisin Murphy - Overpowered (Youtube)

I don't know who designs the clothes. I don't know if she actually rocks such clothes outside of the music video sets. I know absolutely nothing about her personally.

But it doesn't really matter.

(And in case I haven't mentioned it before, all of those (except Let Me Know) are some of my favorite music videos.)

I profess my love once again.

June 08, 2009

Sometimes, I fucking love Apple. Today is one of those days. I read all about their WWDC keynote, and while they didn't talk about anything that totally blew my mind, it still made me feel good inside.

[WARNING: Possible pro-Apple propaganda ahead. Read at your own risk. And buy a Mac.]

Ignoring all the iPhone talk (owning one is still just a pipe dream for me right now), the upgrade of the MacBook line is nice. I've currently got a 1st generation MacBook (not Pro) that's running OS X 10.5, and it suits me wonderfully. I put more RAM in it once, and I'm thinking about getting a bigger hard drive, but other than that, I've got no issues AT ALL with this 3 year old laptop. (And it's been dropped a few times and I've definitely been known to sweat on it during the humid NYC summer. Neither causing issues.) But here Apple goes and updates the line again for the 3rd or 4th or 5th time since I got mine. The ones introduced today put mine to shame. Sure, I want a new shiny one, but I don't need one. And while this fact might piss some people off, it makes me really really happy. See, if I love my computer now, just think how ecstatic I'll be when I do finally upgrade to a new one?!

Also, in a similar vein, Apple's next version of OS X (10.6 Snow Leopard) is wonderfully practical. Instead of cramming in a ton of new features, they decided to iron out all the kinks in the current version and make it way faster and better and more stable. This suits me just fine, since I do not have any major issues with OS X. (And from reading the press copy today, it seems like most/all of my minor issues have been taken care of.)  But they didn't stop there. I'm only part way down the Snow Leopard Enhancements and Refinements page, and already I've seen enough new little bits of awesome thrown in to drive me to write this post. Like the new MacBooks, I don't need to upgrade at all, since 10.5 works just great for me. But unlike the MacBooks, Apple has priced the upgrade from 10.5 to 10.6 at just $29.00! The last piece of software I bought was a recipe program (MacGourmet, because there just aren't any good free recipe programs for OS X) and it cost more than that when I bought it, I think. Of course I'll buy the 10.6 upgrade, Apple!

Finally, I'm really sorry to have written such a fan-boy post, but I just absolutely love when the world works how I want it to work. And Apple, for the most part, does just that.

Facehunter is on fire lately

June 07, 2009

(a.k.a. "Yes, Joe follows fashion to a certain extent, no matter what his appearance implies.")

Quick notice: If you're into fashion (or nice impromptu photos of people), Face Hunter* is a pretty good site. It's always been decent, with a couple real standout outfits/photos/people every week or two, but the past week has had several in every single post. The above thumbnail is made from a few standouts of the standouts.

* Much better than The Sartorialist... I'm saving that rant for another post.

Flash development, here I come!

I hate Flash. I avoid it as much as possible. I don't mind good uses of it (YouTube, Hulu, some embedded music players, some embedded photo galleries), but by my highly-scientific estimate, there are at least 10,000 examples of bad Flash for every 1 example of good Flash on the internet.

Due in part to this, and in part to never really needing to make anything in Flash, and due in part to not necessarily wanting to learn yet another programming language, and in part to never wanting to have a copy of Adobe Flash/Flex/"whatever they'll change the name to next", I've never bothered to learn it. I've been blissfully ignorant. Even with most decent flash games, the fact that it's in Flash pissed me off.

But then I played Fathom.

Besides being a wonderful conceptual game (perhaps my favorite of the "arty" games), the game engine is excellent. I noticed this first because it didn't suck (unlike most Flash game engines) and then because of just how well it worked. It felt like I was playing a SNES, if a SNES were even awesomer than it already is.

And now the creator of Fathom (Adam Atomic) has released the game engine into the public, all free and open source like. It's called Flixel.

This is why I'm now taking the plunge into Flash programming (specifically Actionscript 3). Mr. Atomic even details how to get your Flash stuff compiling for free, from the command line! Yes! Just what I needed to push me over the edge.

So after spending all day learning some Actionscript, thoroughly dissecting Flixel, and goofing around with the included sample game, the picture below is a screenshot of what I've come up with. Not a game, but merely a stripped-down version of the included game where I've modified various parts of the mechanics (and the engine itself) and level generation and stuff. (I even switched in the Brinstar music from Metroid.)
Nothing pretty, for sure, but oh man...... I envision awesome things coming from it. I don't want you to get your hopes up, but don't be too surprised when I end up making your new favorite Flash game sometime soon.

Music phrases

June 02, 2009

(a post without pictures)

Maybe you know me. Maybe I've mentioned how I don't usually listen to the words in songs. If I did, I'm sorry because this is not entirely true. I listen to the words, and sometimes I even pay attention to their meaning. But usually, I only listen to their sound and rhythm, ignoring any and all meaning.

Recently, Pitchfork* turned me onto Charles Spearin's The Happiness Project (you can listen to it if you follow that link), which just so happens to be an album of music made from the inherent musicality of speech. Considering the fact that it was from a Broken Social Scene member, I had my doubts**, but this turned out to be a surprisingly wonderful album. I think the Pitchfork review tosses around the word "conceptual" a few times (and compared to a BSS album, I suppose it would be "conceptual") but I would definitely put this more in the "musical" department over the "conceptual" one.

Anyway, got me thinking about what other music uses the musicality of speech. Two things popped into my head immediately: Paul Lansky*** and Boards of Canada. This is a great pairing, too, because Paul Lansky's work falls more in the conceptual (actually: academic) realm than Charles Spearin, while Boards Of Canada fall more in the musical (actually: pop?) realm.

First, let's check out Boards Of Canada, since you've probably already heard them. Not all of their songs deal with the music of speech, but a few do. Perhaps my favorite is Telephasic Workshop. (That link leads to a crappy Youtube video, but at least you can listen to the song.) This song extracts and manipulates the rhythmic nature of speech, working it somewhat subtly into the mix. And I love it to death.

On the other end of the spectrum, we've got Mr. Lansky. Here's a link to some samples of his work. If you haven't already done so, go there now and check out Now And Then. Unlike Telephasic Workshop, which fit the speech to the music, Now And Then fits the music to the speech. Or, for exquisite examples of songs that fit the speech to the music (or perhaps where the speech creates the music), check out Idle Chatter, Notjustmoreidlechatter, and Idle Chatter Junior. (By the way, if you like Paul Lansky's stuff, chances are high that you'll like Nico Muhly's Mothertongue.)

Now there are a few others who I think have dealt with speech and music in similar ways, but I don't know of very many, so if you've got any ideas, do please let me know!

* Yes, I still glance at their reviews from time to time. Old habits die hard

** Don't get me wrong... 7/4 (Shoreline) and some other songs off the self-titled album are TOTALLY guilty/not-guilty pleasures of mine.

*** I want to point out that Mr. Lansky made what might very well be my favorite song ever, Table's Clear, of which you can find samples on his webpage.

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