Math makes everything better

June 22, 2009

First, check out my new favorite video, Fever Ray's "Triangle Walks":

Now, check out my hypothesis... The video is like a cross between The Cure's "Lullaby"*, The Cure's "Close To You" and Fischerspooner's "Emerge" (and maybe Fischerspooner's Sweetness, too), all of which are some of my favorite music videos**.

Hell, the song might even be a cross of all those, too.

Oh, and because math makes everything better...

* This song was partially ruined for me after reading this one-page comic. Now, the "spider" and the "eating"... remind me of horrible things, sometimes. (Warning: NSFW, and it might partially ruin the song for you, too.)

** Then again, I think I have about 349 favorite music videos.

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