July 03, 2009

No real grammar. No real reason. But whatever, this stuff's on my mind today:

1. Drumcorps (the artist) with a superb mix of jungle and hardcore or something like that

2. Venetian Snares doing a dubstep remix of Black Sabbath -- Come on, Chris. If nothing else warms you up to Mr. Snares, this should.

3. Pro tip: Season 4 of Doctor Who is awesome when drunk. Just so long as it's a good drunk. If I were totally lonely and/or heartbroken right now, I'd probably be crying every time he has to make a hard decision.

4. Fourth of July rooftop mini-golf. FUCK YES.

5. I can't believe I'm excited for an HTML specification. HTML/XHTML 5 FTW!

6. SERIOUSLY. Cake-in-a-mug will be the end of me.


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