The Annual Breakdown

July 29, 2009

I'm weak. I tried so hard to wait to install my AC, perhaps to even go without it all summer. It was pretty warm today, but I didn't mind. Hell, I wasn't even sweating. But then my roommate (who already has her AC in) was cooking something in the oven so the kitchen was insanely hot, and she kept going in and out of her room commenting on how hot it was outside of her room every single time.

So I broke down and put my AC in.

AND I'M SOOOOOOO GLAD I DID! Not employed so far this summer, I had forgotten just how awesome air conditioning can be. Tonight, I will sleep awesomely, under my comforter.

Thank you, thermodynamics. I'm sorry for failing all my courses about you, a few times each.

5 comments: to “ The Annual Breakdown

  • Constantine
    July 29, 2009 at 12:01 PM  

    Man we just moved into a place with Central Air. Central Air! I have not had it since I was a kid living with my parents. Anyway, I am dreading our first bill but until then I am keeping it so that I can see my breath.

    PS - I had some weird dreams last night. In one of them You, Lin Swimmer, and Vern were coaching me through some great catastrophe like that little Dungeon Master guy from the D&D Cartoon. You three would appear and offer me wisdom in overcoming an obstacle. I cannot remember what the obstacles were, only that I was like "Whoa, I haven't seen these guys in five years!"

  • joem
    July 29, 2009 at 12:15 PM  

    Whoa, Ryan. That's one bizarre thing to dream. Glad I could be of help.

    Central air. Damn.

    AC update: Holy shit I slept so well!

  • Anonymous
    July 29, 2009 at 4:53 PM  

    I hate you both!

  • Dan Gr
    August 2, 2009 at 11:34 AM  

    Just sayin', dude. Just sayin'.

    Oh: passcode for the today = "biotemos." Did you slide the word-verification setting to "mildly resembles an understandable word"?

  • joem
    August 2, 2009 at 2:00 PM  

    Ha, yeah. Indeed it is a cool summer. In fact, right up until I put the AC in, I figured I just might be able to go all summer without it. After all, I had managed to not have it for most of July, which is something I never would have dreamt previous summers...

    But alas, it's never actually the heat that gets me to put the AC in; it's the humidity. And that, while not actually hitting the typical NYC summer disgustingness, has put up enough of a fight where I'm thankful for my AC.

    Then again, while I write this, my AC is off.

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