I've Now Got A Supplemental Blog With A Silly Name
July 19, 2009
I wanted to wait a week or two before I posted about it, to make sure I stuck with it, since I have a bad habit of starting blogs and then giving up on them after 1 week or 5 posts, whichever comes first. But posting to this one has already become second nature (thank you, bookmarklets!), and serves a drastically needed function, so I think we're good.
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you my newest sillily named blog: exphostor
Exphostor, like noexteho before it, stands for something. In this case, it's less cryptic: external photo storage. And this is its function. Instead of downloading images, I can just post them to this tumblr blog. Over the years, I've adopted the policy of downloading any and every image that catches my eye. Nice, because I then have loads of awesome pics on my hard drive. Not so nice because then I need to organize loads of awesome pics, and because it takes up space, and because I rarely go back to them after I've downloaded them. So what if I could just quickly/easily put them online somewhere, like I do with my bookmarks (Delicious)?
After trying out a lot of different places, I finally settled on Tumblr for two reasons. First, when you post a pic via link to tumblr, they make a local copy of it, so it won't disappear when a link becomes broken. Second, as touched on before, they've got a sweet bookmarklet that lets me post exactly how I want. Third, I saw no explicit limit to how much stuff they'll host. (And, as an added bonus, they can handle animated GIFs, a guilty pleasure of mine.)
I want to point out that exphostor is not a blog, per se. Nor does it replace any aspect of this blog. There may be overlap, if I deem something I've posted there worthy of being posted here. It is just a raw feed for my personal use, which you can follow if you really want. I am not posting stuff there specifically for others to see. I am not commenting on the images, except to note the photographer, model, source, and how I heard of it, when applicable and possible. As such, I'm trying only to post things for which I have some sort of relevant information. (Tumblr is already too full of posts with gigantic reblog trees (uggg!) that never actually explain what something is or who's responsible.)
While not a blog, it is still personal. Like my Delicious stream, this is a mostly-unfiltered glance at my interests and my browsing habits. The content may vary wildly. It's not for everyone, and some may find some of the things I post offensive. I will state right now that there will be lots of pictures of "hot women" and occasional nudity. This is something that catches my eye. But, being that I only post what I would consider downloading, I try to make certain that I do not let my primal urges get the better of me. Most, if not all, of the images of "hot women" I post will be honestly good photos, or at least honestly interesting photos. I hope you, too, can appreciate the virtuous aspects of these "hot women" photos and see me for more than just a lecherous creep.
Now, in case you missed the link above, it's exphostor.tumblr.com.
July 19, 2009 at 10:13 PM
I cannot communicate to you how excited I am about this...