Why, photo galleries, why?

May 21, 2009

Perhaps I've only seen a strange subset of online photo galleries, but it seems like almost every photo gallery I've seen will say there are (for instance) 19 photos. When I get to the 18th, the photo and its caption imply or indicate that it's the last photo. Then I click the 'next' button to go to the 19th picture, and it's just a page saying "Click here to view the gallery again." Why? Why do this? And more importantly, why do they all seem to do this? Do I really need the online photo gallery equivalent of a "The End" card?

I suppose this is a follow-up rant to this post by Lin Swimmer (and my follow-up to that).

I promise my next post will be non-rant-like. (I'm in a good mood, really. I fixed my DVD drive! My hard drive no longer claims to have zero bytes free!) I also promise my next post will feature videos and/or photos, for what it's worth. Also, it might be about Babylon 5. (Thanks, Mike Noble and Dan Feder!)

1 comments: to “ Why, photo galleries, why?

  • Anonymous
    May 25, 2009 at 12:38 AM  

    Hey Joe. I finally threw some pictures online from the past year (many of them quite recent). My gallery doesn't have title cards... but that's because it sucks and isn't really a gallery. Ah well.

    Also, I threw some in from your typographic excellence book challenge, but I couldn't resist both covers and spines. Oops.

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