The Perils of Food Porn

August 08, 2009

I can not stop looking at TasteSpotting today. I took it out of my regular blog reading rotation for this very reason. But I've exhausted my regular reading, and (stupidly) decided to revisit TasteSpotting. (I blame Bitten's article yesterday in the NYT - which I read today. It reminded me that awesome foods can be slobbered over on the internet.) Now I have about 20 tabs open, each to a different desirable recipe. And I am sooooooo starving. All I have to look forward to right now is oatmeal. And bananas, too, I suppose.

TasteSpotting really is food porn, as folks call it, but it's sort of worse than 'regular' porn. 'Regular' porn doesn't make me go out and buy things. Food porn does. Either I'm going and buying the ingredients for a recipe (during a trip where I invariable end up buying another $20-$30 of food just because I'm in the mood), or I'm getting a quicker fix and dropping more money than I should on some pre-made gourmet-ish thing. Or sometimes I go nuts and drop $100 at Fairway and then eat that $100 worth of food in a shade under 48 hrs.

Or, perhaps even worse than that, I don't have any money to drop on anything. That's how I am today. My mind is racing, my stomach is pang-ing, and all I have to turn to is my oatmeal (and bananas).

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