I Need More Linkblogs
August 04, 2009
As if I don't already read enough of the internet as it is, I want MORE.
Today I realized something... I no longer follow many linkblogs. (By 'linkblog' I mean a blog that pretty much just posts links.) Part of this is because I'm picky. I never really want just a straight link blog that's like LINK, LINK, LINK. I like ones that give about a sentence of context per link.
I used to read Metafilter several years ago (before they re-opened new user accounts), but it always had a bit too many posts per day for me. I would fall behind. And then they opened up new user accounts and all of a sudden the quality fell... so many mindless posts about a "cool" flash game... or a "cool" youtube video. NOT WHAT I WANTED, MeFi. Perhaps it was only a temporary slide, but I didn't stick around to find out, and haven't been able to go back.
I forget what other ones I used to read, but I stopped reading them all for one of two reasons:
- There were too many posts per day.
- The format changed from 'linkblog' to 'blog.'
Recently, though, I've discovered two nearly perfect linkblogs (for me, at least): Christian Neukirchen's Trivium and the O'Reilly Radar's Four short links. ("Four short links" is just an occasional feature on the O'Reilly Radar, but that's fine for me, since the rest of the Radar is pretty good too.) And to a lesser extent, I'm sort of getting into Grace Smith's roundups (also just an occasional feature), but this might just be because I have yet to find a truly good web design blog.
Now these are good, but not enough! I need more! So, if you're reading this, I suspect you share (or at least know of) my sensibilities. So if you know of any good linkblogs for me, please please please let me know!
(Oh, and I should mention that I am not looking for digg or reddit.)
August 5, 2009 at 10:48 AM
Hey Joem, thanks for talking a little about my blog. The Weekly Web Roundup happens regularly on a Monday, however the huge Theme Thursday link fests are only twice a month.
Definitely hope to see you around the blog more often :-)
August 16, 2009 at 1:18 PM
Update: I just discovered the Waxy.org Links Miniblog, which is also pretty good. But, me being the whiney bitch that I am, I'm a little disappointed by this one, since it tends to overlap a few of my other sources. But this overlap might be due to those other sources taking from Waxy, as I think I've seen that name around.
Anyway, it's pretty good.