Worlds Collide, McNulty Is Nowhere In Sight

March 09, 2009

My apartment just got done watching The Wire. We loved it. It was my second time through.

At the same time, I just got done watching Season 3 of Star Trek:Deep Space 9. Uggg. If I had any other sci-fi show to watch instead, I wouldn't have made it this far.

Now, imagine my surprise when I saw the following in one of the last season 3 DS9 episodes:

Rawls a Bajoran! This really explains a lot about why he was such a douche as Deputy Ops.

1 comments: to “ Worlds Collide, McNulty Is Nowhere In Sight

  • Dan Gr
    March 11, 2009 at 7:49 PM  

    That's ridiculous coincidence, dude. I just finished watching it tonight. Nice ending, though I find it hard to believe Duquan would slip into shootin' up so easily.

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