Another Attempt To Apologize Which I'll Probably Regret

March 08, 2009

Apologies for my ranting in the last post. To make up for it, I'm going to share with you my guiltiest pleasure of late.

Honestly, I'm as surprised as you are that my guiltiest pleasure right now isn't Star Trek:Deep Space 9. Believe me, that's guilty. But guiltier still: this video for Lykke Li's song Breaking It Up:

I don't know. I really like it. It's taken me a while to accept that I like it, too, but now I know that I do. Let's be honest here... it's full of awesome: weirdly cute foreign girl, strange-but-trendy clothing choices, heavy eye makeup (I'm a sucker, I know), slow-mo dancing, haziness... It takes several aspects of some other guilty pleasure videos (Moloko's Forever More (or, hell, even Familiar Feeling) and Paffendorf's Crazy Sexy Marvelous) and adds even more guilty-pleasure-ness to it, and a quirky song. But all those things aren't what gets me. No, what really gets me, each and every time, is the little stupid awkward tired dancing scene that happens around 2:40. (Fine, and the eye makeup.)

Also, since I'm on a roll here, I might as well admit that her whole damn album is a pretty big guilty pleasure.

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