The One Song

January 12, 2009

This is the one song that I've listened to more than any other:

Undertow by Lush

It is entirely possible that I've listened to it more than Happy Birthday, actually. Honest. I've been listening to it since either late '94 or early '95. I love it. I loved it then, and I love it now. And I've loved it every moment in between. Sure, there are other bands that I've been listening to since back then, but none as solidly as Lush. I'll fade in and out of love with certain bands, but not Lush (Oh, Miki!). At least not this one song. EVERY SINGLE TIME I put it on, I have to tear myself away from it eventually. I think I've been listening to it for at least a half an hour now, and I'm so tired. I WANT to sleep, I really do. But I need to listen to this song again.

And again.

(If the download link goes dead, sorry. Let me know and I'll send you it or something. Maybe I'll invite you over and play it for you. Who knows.)

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