
February 07, 2009

I've had several conversations about various Star Treks recently. I'm feeling nostalgic:

(NOTE: These are supposed to be animated gifs, but Blogger isn't havin' it, I guess. So if you really want to see the animations, let me know and we'll figure something out.)

I think these all came from the animated gif board on 4chan. (WARNING: 4chan is one of the most offensive and NSFW sites ever. You need a strong mind and body to survive that website. I can't stress this enough. Sometimes you'll see funny things like these gifs. Sometimes you'll see horrible racism. Sometimes you'll see mutilated dead bodies. But most of the time you'll just see lots of porn. And this is the worst: Some of that porn will have funny but horrible racism involving mutilated dead bodies. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. You can not un-see something.)

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