quick question: kindle
Has anyone seen someone using a Kindle (or any other e-book thing) out and about in public? Like on a subway or a bus or park bench? I would like to consider one, but, like the iPod ahead of it, I refuse to get something like this until I know I can take it out on the subway and not be a crazy oddity (or a mugging target, even though I imagine this would appeal to thieves less than an iPod).
posted by joem | 6 comments
1. Star Trek Was From The Future! 2. Plaintext.
Via John Gruber (who I've now started following), I found waferbaby's The Setup on Steven Frank (a man I never knew by name, but I know of his company). I'm not going to post the whole thing, or even necessarily recommend reading it (unless you want to hear someone talk about their personal hardware and software), but I do want to highlight a few key phrases/concepts Mr. Frank mentions. First:
"My [computer] at home is my "master" computer for everything ... and I leave file and screen sharing so I can get to that [computer] from any other computer over the internet. The other two [computers] I keep only very sparsely populated, and pull files from my home [computer] over the net as needed. It's sort of like "cloud computing", but with my own personal cloud."
"I've found that I'm really averse to installing any software at all, because years of computing have taught me that proprietary data formats are fragile and succumb to time. So an application needs to prove itself extremely useful and extremely reliable to survive on my systems for long."
"As much as possible, I try to keep my data in "lowest common denominator" formats (like plain text) that can follow me anywhere without hassle."
posted by joem | 10 comments
The One Song
posted by joem | 0 comments
Nothing New Regarding Division By Zero
I just found myself sitting here contemplating the concept of division by zero. I am nothowever, thinking about infinity, or nothingness. What intrigues me right now is how such complicated concept is there, easily come across, even in grade school arithmetic. Granted, grade school teachers (and many high school and college teachers) will simply say "you can't do that" if it ever comes up.
posted by joem | 0 comments
A new regret.
I regret that isn't me playing that guitar:
Shamelessly lifted from PCL Linkdump. Again.
posted by joem | 1 comments
A Challenge for the English Majors or the PROgrammers
I've been reading about Ruby a lot. Ah, what fun. Often, I see people saying things like DRY and REST and (worst of all) RESTful, and no matter how many times I look up those terms, I always forget what they mean or why I should care. Due to this, I'm fairly certain they're basically buzzwords that mean nothing. Or at least they mean nothing for which there isn't already a word.
- Chatting/texting acronyms (LOL, WTF, BRB...) don't count, unless you manage to come up with something amazing.
- Bonus points for using vomit-worthy acronyms.
- Mega-bonus points for writing a program to help you find as many as possible.
- Super-mega-bonus points for writing a program that finds as many as possible and automatically makes an 'educated guess' at their meanings.
- INSTANT WIN for actually making me vomit (without the aid of disgusting pictures or fingers down my throat or syrup of ipecac, mind you).
posted by joem | 2 comments
I talked and ate chicken wings
It's been a while since I actually linked to some music, eh? To make up for my delinquency, I've got quite a treat for you...
kracfive vs after-school kids
(There's no easy link just to the album that I can tell, so that link takes you to the kracfive website, and the album should be right there free for download on the front page.)
Now, what is this music? It's a group of real short songs made by kracfive after some k5 members recorded some little kids rapping at an afterschool program. We didn't stop there, though... Beats and music were added, the rapping was digitally touched up and all that great magic that producers do. And the results are awesome. Hilarious, fun, and sort of bad-ass.
Disclaimer: My involvement was unfortunately limited. Most of the hard work was done by Chris Colongib. Big ups.
posted by joem | 1 comments