More deviation, but your hair thinks it's worth it.

February 29, 2008

OK, OK, OK.... Here I am, straying from my proposed blog path yet again... But I think this is worth it:

Bear with me, please, as I'm going to post a banner ad that made me laugh (unintentionally?):
That dude... Yeah, the one on the right. That is almost the exact same face I accidentally make for photos when I'm drunk... the face that people always ask me not to make, because it looks horribly stupid. And here is a guy making it, while trying to sell me something. I swear, this ad is either a horrendously bad accident, or a brilliantly designed ad. I'm looking at the ad, aren't I? Hell, I'm telling friends and strangers about it, too!

More proof that whoever worked on this ad campaign could be my friend appears when you click through the banner ad to the website:

The double head shot! Do we really need the photo repeated like that? YES! I DO! Because I think it's hilarious!

On a more serious note, please don't buy anything from this company. Just roll with the hair loss. Let it go. And, in related hair advice, never grow a goatee, please.

I Lost My Resolve...

February 22, 2008

...or maybe this site is expanding? I don't know. But check this out: my first post about a game!

The other day, I saw a post on Boing Boing again. This time the post was about a cool physics simulation "game" called Phun. Unfortunately for me and my MacBook, Phun is only available for Windows and Linux now (get it and tell me how it is, if you've got the right OS, please). Fortunately for me, though, the comments of the post provided me with plenty of diversion. Someone mentioned a game called Powder Game (Warning: it's a java game, so if your browser takes a massive slowdown with java, consider yourself warned. It works great for me). Whoah. Less of a physics sim, more of a fluid dynamics sim, and it has explosions! Yes! I immediately lost 3 hrs of time with this game yesterday.

So, in case you only read the last sentence: Go play Powder Game now, if you like blowing things up.

Joe On Current Events #1

February 20, 2008

As much as I'd like to talk about Lindsay Lohan (mind the music on that link) and her nudity in a New York Magazine pictorial, I'm actually going to talk about the US's spy satellite that is going to be shot down.

OK, I'm not actually going to talk about that either, really. Instead, some commenter on Boing Boing related that story to an amazing movie trailer. The year the film was made: 1968. The associated countries: USA / Japan / Italy. Title: Green Slime. Without further ado:


February 15, 2008

Just as I was embracing writing more and providing context (or something) with my posts (after an informative, productive, and, uh.... lucrative? chat with Amanda), Cody sent me this, which I outright refuse to contextualize or expound upon:

A good day, a little surprise

February 13, 2008

Today, while setting up for today's broadcasts on, I found a song on the whfr computer that one of the DJs (my guess: Josh) must have put there: Jim Kweskin Jug Band - When I Was A Cowboy. Now, I've heard some of Maria Muldaur's stuff before, but I didn't know that she was in this jug band. I'm glad that she is, though, as she seems a perfect fit.

So, I've listened to When I Was A Cowboy probably 15 times since finding it a few hours ago. I've also listened to lots of other stuff by Maria Muldaur and by Jim Kweskin Jug Band. It's all I've been doing today, in fact, aside from watching the first episode of the second season of Jericho (which was not disappointing at all, let me say).

So, unfortunately I couldn't find When I Was A Cowboy online anywhere for listen or watching, so here's another clip of the band which is still pretty awesome:

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