A Very Special Dedication....

February 20, 2010

...to every single fucking person I know... past , present, or future:

Scout Niblett - The Calcination of Scout Niblett

February 19, 2010

(It's been a while since I straight up did one of these...)

I should preface this with the fact that I was already a Scout Niblett fan before hearing this album. I had to get that out of the way so that I don't spend this entire post just talking about why you should listen to her stuff in general. So now I can focus specifically on this album. First, some comparisons... This sort of makes me feel the way that a lot of the older, sparser Cat Power stuff does... or some of the mellower PJ Harvey stuff.

(FUCK. I shouldn't have read that review beforehand that mentioned Cat Power and PJ Harvey, because now those are the only comparisons I can think of. FUCK.)

Since it's pretty evident that I'm not in my most descriptive mood right now, I'll say that this album has some SICK guitar on it. The opening song starts off with a riff that could have been by Earth (before they went doom-country or whatever it is they do now... which I love, btw). Some of the other tracks, too, have some awesome heavy guitar riffs. And the thing is that they work so perfectly with her melancholy songs. SHIT, DUDE... so perfect.

I think that, right now, my dream girl is one who loves this album as much as I do. Or maybe Ms. Niblett herself. She probably likes her own album, right? So, Emma, where you at? If you're at all into dudes who can't even write a decent album review of your album, you should get in touch.....

Un-Scientific Observations Made By A Non-Expert

February 01, 2010

It's 4:56am. I'm awake. I don't want to be. So...

I want to eat zucchini bread. But I just finished my loaf.

(what sadness looks like)

This radio show I was just working on is called "future-pop" but it's turning more into "evil-future pop." So far, it goes:
  1. Carouselle - Tim Exile
  2. Black History Month - Saul Williams
  3. Street Diction - Dälek
  4. Forgive and Forget - Drumcorps
  5. The Dead Of Night - Depeche Mode
  6. Inertia Creeps - Massive Attack
  7. Dry and Dusty - Fever Ray
  8. Glory In Itself/Egyptian - Gang Gang Dance
  9. ...
(I'm trying to make it less dark near the end. Not sure if it's working.)

Yesterday, I bought a new mouse for the first time in 5 or 6 years. It's an Apple Magic Mouse, and while futuristic, I'm still undecided.

(My hand is bigger, and less comfortable, than that.)

I spent a large chunk of the weekend looking at things like this:

(kind of fun)

...and this:

(kind of boring)

...and I got nowhere. Oh, computers! So logical and yet so infuriating! I could never be friends with Data.

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