Love And Logic

October 28, 2009

[This is not what I intended to write about, but I suppose something is better than nothing. This whole NOT-spending-every-waking-moment-online thing I've been doing lately really killed my drive to blog, apparently.]

The other day, I worked with an Icelandic girl. I've heard Björk's accent before, and the accents of a few lesser Icelandic celebrities, and I've always found their accents pleasing. But now that I've actually talked to an Icelandic girl in person, I think I can say that the Icelandic accent has officially become my new favorite accent for a girl. The Irish accent had previously held that title.


The other day, I saw a girl who I recognized from having seen her photo online. I've seen her at my work a few other times, and yet each time is very, very awkward.
  • First, she's extremely attractive. That, sadly, always makes things awkward for me.
  • Second, the whole online thing is weird. Before nerdiness was as accepted as it is today, I trained myself to avoid talking in public of anything remotely nerdy. I'm untraining myself these days, but still, if you mention a webpage to me in public, you might notice a quick flash of revulsion. Don't worry, it's (probably) not you, it's me.
  • Third, she's not the one posting herself online. Her husband is the photographer. She's not the main subject of his photos. In fact, she's probably in only 5-10% of them, if even that. Only someone like me who's been following her husband's photography for a couple of years would really have seen enough photos of her to recognize her as quickly and certainly as I have.
  • Finally (and this is the kicker): in several of the photos, she's (tastefully) nude. She's aware that her husband is posting nude photos of her and she's OK with it, but still...
So, my interactions with her are simply: smile a little too large, point her to her book, quickly look away.


I just realized that now that summer is definitely over, it's officially been over a year since I had a girlfriend. Unofficially, I'm not even sure if that one counted as a girlfriend, so it could have been an even longer time. But honestly, I don't think it really bothers me. This isn't a dry spell so much as it is disinterest. Or, actually, I suppose I've been interested, but I've just let logic get the better of me. Lately, the girls I've been most into have been totally totally wrong for me. The aforementioned photographer's wife. The ditzy, annoying blond. The model-hot party girl. The painfully naive girl I only talk to because I like her hair. The lesbian customer with the androgynous girlfriend. These are the girls I've contemplated asking out lately. What the hell is wrong with me? Either I need to get my logic synchronized with my lust, or I need to ignore one or the other. Until I start doing either, I'm fine being alone. Hell, I have been getting a lot of programming done lately, after all...

This Blog Is Brought To You By Germans Who Can't Pronounce Massachusetts

October 15, 2009

Goth Day, part 2, perhaps? The fashion issue

October 05, 2009

Holy shit. I'm kicking myself for not having thought of this myself:

Waders as fashion! So silly that it's super awesome! And she makes it work, with that awesome sweater. Oh, I suppose according to my brief internet searching, Prada may or may not have featured waders on the runway before. Bah. Whatever. I'm still giving props to this girl. Hmmm, also, according to slightly more searching, women in waders is a fetish calendar series. Fine, whatever. I'm STILL giving this girl credit, because until just now, waders, to me, had always been this:

This is what happens when I listen to industrial music for several hours

Apparently, I make "art":

I think it started when I listened to the latest song posted on Arawa FM. And then I listened to it again. And again.... And again a few more times. Meanwhile, I was looking at every single photo on Rankin's website. Then, while still looking at Rankin photos, I happened across this Front 242 song I had never heard on Constant Siege. And I listened to that over and over too. And for some reason the concept of listening to Front 242 in a Camero stuck in my mind. Then I found myself listening to the whole Ministry - Twitch album. And then those ZYX and Front 242 songs again. And then I downloaded a few Front 242 albums.

Then, before I knew it, I had downloaded a ton of Camero photos and turned them into what you see above.

Yes, this is embarrassing.
Take that, INTERNET.

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