Best looking news website?
Tonight, while browsing the New York Times website's front page (an activity I'm now vowing to do more regularly), I realized something: I like the NYT website. In addition to the news, I like how it looks. Sure, it's busier than I typically like, but for a news website that does not merely look like a blog, it looks pretty good.
So now I ask you, kind readers (yes, both of you): Are there any other news websites whose beauty matches or surpasses the New York Times?
(Also, this posts marks a change in my blog philosophy. I was trying to keep this blog to only video, music and image posts, but that is no more. I will post whatever I want. But it will still probably just be mostly video, music and image posts.)
January 9, 2008 at 1:39 AM
Of course you like the NYT website — it's designed by Khoi Vinh.
January 9, 2008 at 5:02 AM
Ha! I didn't know that. But that makes a lot of sense, for both why it looks good, and for why I like it.