Pop Levi - Return to Form Black Magick Party
(This might be disgustingly lazy, but whatever.....)
See my previous post about Pop Levi, except imagine that there are more songs and that they're all still totally awesome.
Oh wait. I actually did not say much of anything about the music last time. Well, I don't get it. I can't explain it. Not because its so weird and freaky. Nah. It's just pop songs, but they sound awesome, like they could have been made back in 1968 or '71 or something. The singing sounds a little like T.Rex, in a way, but less annoying, I think. And the music is just awesome. Even when its not super upbeat, its still happy (but not too much) and funky. Thats the main thing: funkiness. Not 'funk' but 'funky' (...and I mean that in its positive connotation, not its original negative connotation. For the negative connotation, see: "Damn! You're breath is funky!")
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