Joseph K - Entemology

November 12, 2006

Reviews have equated this to WIRE and Gang Of Four, and that is in fact a fair comparison.  Same era (late 70s/early 80s), same place (U.K.), same scene (post-punk/new-wave)....  And this is a definite good thing.  The sheer ammount of songs on this disc is a little overwhelming, so feel free to take it in small bites (although there's certainly nothing wrong with rocking out to the whole thing at once).  If you (like me) are in danger of over-playing your Joy Division, WIRE, and Gang Of Four albums, then it's time for you to add Joseph K to your rotation.  (and if you know of more things to add to such a rotation, please let me know!  and no, The Killers and Interpol and that shit are NOT viable options!)

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