My favorite fake moustache ever

January 28, 2008

NOTE: Wikipedia says: Residente originally studied to be an accountant, and Visitante finished a computer science degree.


My favorite single line from Peep Show, I think.

January 26, 2008

Some Old School Balance

January 24, 2008

...lest you think that I'm only about this "Indie" stuff now.

Always a good starting point... Françoise Hardy - Tous les garçons et les filles:

Still French, but with some sweet dancing... Jenny Rock - Douliou Dou St-Tropez:

More sweet dancing... B-52's - Give me back my man:

Recent-ish Indie Music Videos I Like

Maybe I've got a thing for accents?

Prinzhorn Dance School - Crackjack Docker:

Bat For Lashes - Whats a Girl To Do:

Spock, Sex and The Germans

For some reason, I like this girl waaaay more than Lil Kim (kind of NSFW):

And now for more funny-sexy, courtesy of Reznor, Nemoy and Shatner (the successors to Crosby, Stills and Nash?):

If I Made A Kids Show would be exactly like Yo! Gabba Gabba.

Reason #54:

Reason #138:

Internet/Real Life Etiquette #4?

January 09, 2008

Do tell, gentle Reader... What is the proper etiquette when one runs into someone they only have read about on the internet? With each new local blog I add to my daily reading, the more I worry that I might run into one of these bloggers in public. I worry because it would definitely add a weird dynamic. One can not simply approach another and say Hello, I read your blog, can one? The reader would be pegged as a stalker, I assume, or at least rather stalker-like. But then, how to explain why the reader is staring so strangely at the blogger?

I suppose the reader would have to ignore the blogger. Or, perhaps better, not ignore the blogger him/herself, but ignore the fact that the reader has any idea who the blogger is. This could, if executed correctly, play out the best. The reader could even casually meet the blogger this way. But...

What if a friendship develops? At what point in the friendship could/should the reader admit to foreknowing the blogger? Is it at all possible for such a situation to not be awkward?

Finally, does this all lead to the conclusion that I can never become friends with the people who write the blogs that I read? If so, I should stop reading a lot of blogs.

Best looking news website?

January 07, 2008

Tonight, while browsing the New York Times website's front page (an activity I'm now vowing to do more regularly), I realized something: I like the NYT website. In addition to the news, I like how it looks. Sure, it's busier than I typically like, but for a news website that does not merely look like a blog, it looks pretty good.

So now I ask you, kind readers (yes, both of you): Are there any other news websites whose beauty matches or surpasses the New York Times?

(Also, this posts marks a change in my blog philosophy. I was trying to keep this blog to only video, music and image posts, but that is no more. I will post whatever I want. But it will still probably just be mostly video, music and image posts.)

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