Mr. Lif - Mo'Mega

June 18, 2006

I've been liking Def Jux more and more over the years. Sure, there's still spots of it I just can't get into (one example: Camu Tau or whatever his name is) but pretty much anything by El-P, Aesop Rock, or Mr. Lif is awesome. And, fortunately for us, this is a Mr.Lif album which El-P produced which has guest spots by El-P and Aesop Rock, among others. So, its got the ingredients to be awesome, and it is. (also, i don't normally care about an album's artwork, but this cd has some really beautiful artwork. if you're sick of all those photoshopped look-a-like crappy hip hop covers, buy this cd for the artwork alone, even if you hate the tunes)

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