Psychic Ills - Dins
March 06, 2006
[what? theres finally a new cd on here?!? whoah!!!!]
I guess one could say that it's sort of like if My Bloody Valentine's wall-of-sound was applied to some of Spacemen 3's droning riffs. But, wait, that description sounds wrong to me.... Oh, I don't know... It's just so awesome. While most droning psych rock is about the trance and the droning itself, there are also some amazing tension build/release moments on this album. A structure will form out of the chaos, or chaos will form out of the structure, and it's so chill and heavy and trippy all at the same time! Ahhhh, yes!
March 6, 2006 at 7:16 AM
This doesn't have anything to do with the Psychic Ills, but I have a review suggestion — The World of Lady A by Anjali. It's on my hard drive and I don't know where I got it, so I assume I got it from you in one of your media updates. I stumbled across it though, and it's really great.
March 7, 2006 at 2:44 AM
i don't remember actually liking that.... but after your suggestion, i'll have to check it out again.
i think i'm going to a psychic ills show soon. it'll be my first show i've been to here since i've moved here. weird.
March 7, 2006 at 8:01 PM
my old review, for posterity's sake (posted anonymously, because i'm at work and forgot my login/pass --j.m.):
"i've been listening to this cd at least once a day for the past month or month and a half. and i will continue to do so. its some droning psychedelic pop rock stuff. i really can't describe it well. its heavy and chill and trippy, all at the same time. and i'm always thoroughly enjoying it, and i know it so well, and yet theres a few points where the tempo changes and it just kills me! in the best possible way. sooooooo nice.
(...and no, the fact that they're a trendy brooklyn band did not factor into me falling in love with this. i didn't learn that they were a trendy brooklyn band until well after i already like it. in fact, learning this made me stop listening to this album for a little while. but one week later, i had to have it again... i couldn't stay away. and now, hipsters-be-damned, i love this album, and i'm proud of it!)"