Psychic Ills - Dins

March 06, 2006

[what? theres finally a new cd on here?!? whoah!!!!]

I guess one could say that it's sort of like if My Bloody Valentine's wall-of-sound was applied to some of Spacemen 3's droning riffs. But, wait, that description sounds wrong to me.... Oh, I don't know... It's just so awesome. While most droning psych rock is about the trance and the droning itself, there are also some amazing tension build/release moments on this album. A structure will form out of the chaos, or chaos will form out of the structure, and it's so chill and heavy and trippy all at the same time! Ahhhh, yes!

3 comments: to “ Psychic Ills - Dins

  • Anonymous
    March 6, 2006 at 7:16 AM  

    This doesn't have anything to do with the Psychic Ills, but I have a review suggestion — The World of Lady A by Anjali. It's on my hard drive and I don't know where I got it, so I assume I got it from you in one of your media updates. I stumbled across it though, and it's really great.


  • joem
    March 7, 2006 at 2:44 AM  

    i don't remember actually liking that.... but after your suggestion, i'll have to check it out again.

    i think i'm going to a psychic ills show soon. it'll be my first show i've been to here since i've moved here. weird.

  • Anonymous
    March 7, 2006 at 8:01 PM  

    my old review, for posterity's sake (posted anonymously, because i'm at work and forgot my login/pass --j.m.):

    "i've been listening to this cd at least once a day for the past month or month and a half. and i will continue to do so. its some droning psychedelic pop rock stuff. i really can't describe it well. its heavy and chill and trippy, all at the same time. and i'm always thoroughly enjoying it, and i know it so well, and yet theres a few points where the tempo changes and it just kills me! in the best possible way. sooooooo nice.

    (...and no, the fact that they're a trendy brooklyn band did not factor into me falling in love with this. i didn't learn that they were a trendy brooklyn band until well after i already like it. in fact, learning this made me stop listening to this album for a little while. but one week later, i had to have it again... i couldn't stay away. and now, hipsters-be-damned, i love this album, and i'm proud of it!)"

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