Because everybody's doing it #5477

June 23, 2008

(click to make it bigger)

Here lie my tags, arranged pseudo-artistically. Apparently, I bookmark a lot of videos.

My love I love

June 20, 2008

Have I mentioned lately just how much I love OSX?

I'm so enamored with OSX 10.5's Quick Look feature (the ability to hit space on just about anything and get a preview). Below is a picture of what it looks like if you select a bunch of images, Quick Look them, make it full screen, and then click the 'index' icon. It (very quickly) brings the thumbnails in randomly, to great effect, and leaves you in a nice interface to (smoothly) scroll and look at every thing. Click an image to see it on it's own, full screen.

The thumbnails come in so quick, it's hard to get a screencap of it in progress, but after some trying, I managed:

(please ignore all the females... I was recently on a fashion photography kick.)

My one complaint (and plea to any who may be able to remedy it) is that there isn't a one-button method of getting into this mode. A couple keystrokes and a couple clicks isn't all that bad, but I'm lazy, and I think there should be an even quicker method of getting into this mode. Any help?

Almost Seussian?

June 17, 2008

whfr listener logs: slow progress

June 15, 2008

Slowly coming together. Listener logging is working, for the most part. This was a test of using Google's Charts API to graph a day's worth of listeners. I still need to make the program/script that will make the charts automatically, but I'm mostly pleased, I think.

It's fun to say

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