I take it all back!

October 31, 2007

I really want my Halloween to be exactly like this:

Haole-ween Mega Post!

I'm trying to pump myself up for Halloween, since no one I know is pumped up. Lame. Anyway, these are super-Halloween-ish songs, like Monster Mash or Bela Lugosi's Dead, but they are quite how I want my Halloween to be tonight...

(BTW, if anyone has the movie "Cha Cha" (which features both Nina and Lene), I'll do almost anything for it! Contact me!)

(BTW2, why "haole?" Come on, Germans are definitely haole, right?)

A Spooky

October 29, 2007

Why 'Fear Of Clowns' is a valid phobia

October 24, 2007

It's possible that I just found my Halloween costume #2:

At least I can be certain of the direction of this year's costume must take: stuff tied to my face.

Giant boners!

October 21, 2007

(If you really really can't wait, just skip ahead to about 2:40)

Little life choices...

Had I been into Roni Size/Photek/Dieselboy/etc instead of Nirvana/Misfits/Ministry/etc when I was in junior high, I surely would have taken drum lessons instead of guitar lessons.

Now I realize what could have been:

Trends, evolution, and progress.

October 20, 2007

Overly inquisitive readers may have already noticed a tiny new section on this blog: the (recently re-christened) Auxiliary Feeds section. Its just over there, on the bottom of the left hand column, I think. It displays the last 5 items I tagged as music videos in my online bookmark collection. (Overly inquisitive and intrepid readers may discover even more secrets that section holds.)

It's possible that I just found my Halloween costume:

October 17, 2007

girls + bokken + firehoses = awesome

October 05, 2007

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